TexMedico is thrilled to announce that we are having 2 students with us this summer. Christine and Pier-Olivier will be working with the Administration team. They both started early May and are adapting well with us. We've asked them a list of questions to present them to you.

A little bit more about our students
Christine is originally from Shippagan, she obtained a college diploma as part of the Biotechnology Laboratory course (COOP) in Edmundston in 2015. Since 2016 she has returned to the University of Moncton to complete a Bachelor Degree in Medical Laboratory Science. Her present goal is to finish her studies, but one day she would like to have her own microbrewery.
Pier-Olivier is originally from Edmundston and is a 2nd year student in the Health Sciences Diploma at the University of Moncton. Later, he would like to become a radiologist and travel to Europe to see a different part of the world. In his free time, Pier-Olivier likes to practice or watch a multitude of different sports.
Here's a few question we asked them
Why did you choose Texmedico for the summer?
Christine’s answer: I chose TexMedico because I was looking for manual labor and also something that was different than the other job I had before. I like learning new things and I thought TexMedico was a good place for that.
Pier-Olivier's answer: I chose TexMedico because it gave me the opportunity to work in a line of work where I would like to see myself in the future. I also chose TexMedico because I like the idea of working with a business based in my local area.
How do you like your first month so far?
Christine's answer: My first month went by really fast because I get to do a little bit of everything and because the people I work with are really nice and always in a good mood.
Pier-Olivier's answer: I like to work at TexMedico because so far it gave me the opportunity to learn more about how a business operates on a daily basis and also gave me an insight on how all the production cycle of a company works.
What do you like the most about our product?
Christine's answer: I like the quality and the technology that is behind everything because the fabrics come from biotechnological research.
Pier-Olivier's answer : I like that it’s not something that I heard of before and how it’s mostly hand made by people who really care about having the best quality possible.
If you were dropped on an island alone and could only bring 4 objects with you what would those be and why?
Christine's answer: First of all, I would bring a knife to cook and defend myself. I would also bring a lighter to make fires as well as a big container to collect water. Lastly, I would bring a cauldron to boil water and cook.
Pier-Olivier's answer: If I was alone on an island I would bring with me a bed, a laptop, some movies and watermelons. With all those items I would never run out of food or water and would have something to entertain me for a while. |